boost::backtrace | |
boost::details::trace_manip | |
boost::errinfo_file_name_ | |
boost::error_info< Tag, error_info_sstream > | |
boost::error_info_sstream | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttribute, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClip > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttribute, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParam > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttributeDescriptor, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipDescriptor > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttributeDescriptor, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamDescriptor > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClip, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImage > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipDescriptor, tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImageDescriptor > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty, tuttle::host::ofx::property::Double > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty, tuttle::host::ofx::property::Int > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty, tuttle::host::ofx::property::Pointer > | |
boost::is_virtual_base_of< tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty, tuttle::host::ofx::property::String > | |
DummyAttribute | |
Exception_fixture | |
FileGlobal | Output datas in the same file from anywhere |
MemoryInfo | |
OfxMutex | |
Singleton< T > | Singleton<ClassSingleton> Can transform a class into Singleton (by inheriting this class) |
StaticSingleton< T > | StaticSingleton<ClassStaticSingleton> Can transform a class into static Singleton (by inheriting this class) |
tuttle::common::Color | |
tuttle::common::Formatter | |
tuttle::exception::BadConversion | Unknown error inside a conversion |
tuttle::exception::BadHandle | Status error code for an operation on a bad handle |
tuttle::exception::BadIndex | Status error code indicating that a given index was invalid or unavailable |
tuttle::exception::BitDepthMismatch | Input(s) and enventually output properties mismatch. * plugin: The error comes from host. * host: We can't launch the render in this case |
tuttle::exception::Bug | Something that should never appends. These exceptions may be replaced by assertions, but we prefer to keep a runtime check even in release (for the moment) |
tuttle::exception::Common | Common exception for all tuttle plugin exceptions |
tuttle::exception::Data | Status error code indicating that something failed due an illegal data |
tuttle::exception::Exists | Status error code for an operation attempting to create something that exists |
tuttle::exception::Failed | Status error code for a failed operation |
tuttle::exception::Fatal | Status error code for a fatal error |
tuttle::exception::File | File manipulation error. eg. read only, file doesn't exists, etc |
tuttle::exception::FileExist | File already exists |
tuttle::exception::FileInSequenceNotExist | File in sequence doesn't exist |
tuttle::exception::FileNotExist | File doesn't exist |
tuttle::exception::Format | Status error code for an incorrect format |
tuttle::exception::ImageFormat | ImageEffect specific errors |
tuttle::exception::ImageNotConnected | A non optional input clip in not connected. * plugin: Normally the host should not launch the render in this case. The error comes from host. * host: We can't launch the render in this case |
tuttle::exception::ImageNotReady | Error with a NULL image buffer. * plugin: The host launch a process, but the input clips are not filled (eg. NULL buffer pointer). The error comes from host. * host: Error with memory cache or memory pool |
tuttle::exception::InOutMismatch | Input and output properties mismatch. * plugin: The error comes from host. * host: We can't launch the render in this case |
tuttle::exception::InputMismatch | Input property don't satisfy descriptor requirements. * plugin: The error comes from host. * host: We can't launch the render in this case |
tuttle::exception::Logic | Other exceptions |
tuttle::exception::Memory | Status error code indicating that something failed due to memory shortage |
tuttle::exception::MissingHostFeature | Status error code returned by plug-ins when they are missing host functionality, either an API or some optional functionality (eg: custom params) |
tuttle::exception::NoDirectory | Directory doesn't exist |
tuttle::exception::NotImplemented | Something that could work, but is not implemeted |
tuttle::exception::OfxCustom | Ofx standard errors |
tuttle::exception::ReadOnlyFile | Read only file |
tuttle::exception::tag_backtraceMessage | |
tuttle::exception::tag_devMessage | |
tuttle::exception::tag_nodeName | |
tuttle::exception::tag_ofxApi | |
tuttle::exception::tag_ofxContext | |
tuttle::exception::tag_pluginIdentifier | |
tuttle::exception::tag_pluginName | |
tuttle::exception::tag_time | |
tuttle::exception::tag_userMessage | |
tuttle::exception::Unknown | Status error code for an operation on or request for an unknown object |
tuttle::exception::Unsupported | Status error code for an unsupported feature/operation |
tuttle::exception::Value | Status error code indicating that something failed due an illegal value |
tuttle::exception::WrongParameter | The parameter doesn't make sense |
tuttle::exception::WrongRowBytes | Image raw bytes not valid. * plugin: The error comes from host. * host: We can't launch the render in this case |
tuttle::host::attribute::AnimatedParam< T, OFX_PARAM > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::AnimatedParamDouble | This class is just a re-implementation dedicated to Double Param. It allows implicit conversion from Int to Double |
tuttle::host::attribute::Attribute | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ClipImage | |
tuttle::host::attribute::FastInterpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::GenericInterpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::Image | |
tuttle::host::attribute::Interpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::LinearInterpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::Param | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamBoolean | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamChoice | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamCustom | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamDouble | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamDouble2D | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamDouble3D | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamDoubleMultiDim< DIM > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamGroup | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamInteger | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamInteger2D | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamInteger3D | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamPage | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamPushButton | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamRGB | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamRGBA | |
tuttle::host::attribute::ParamString | |
tuttle::host::attribute::SlowInterpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::SmoothInterpolator< T > | |
tuttle::host::attribute::TimeValue< T > | |
tuttle::host::Callback | |
tuttle::host::ComputeOptions | |
tuttle::host::Core | |
tuttle::host::DiskCacheTranslator | An helper to cache any kind of files on your HDD. It allows to: |
tuttle::host::Graph | A user graph to manipulate OpenFX nodes |
tuttle::host::graph::detail::Copier< GraphIn, GraphOut > | |
tuttle::host::graph::detail::debug_node_writer< Graph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::detail::DotEntry< T > | |
tuttle::host::graph::detail::simple_node_writer< Name > | |
tuttle::host::graph::detail::SubDotEntry< T > | |
tuttle::host::graph::edge_label_writer< G > | |
tuttle::host::graph::IEdge | |
tuttle::host::graph::InternalGraph< VERTEX, EDGE, OutEdgeList, VertexList, EdgeList > | |
tuttle::host::graph::IVertex | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessEdge | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessEdgeAtTime | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessGraph | Created from a user Graph, this class allows you to launch the process |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertex | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertexAtTime | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertexAtTimeData | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertexAtTimeData::ImageEffect | ImageEffect specific process datas |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertexAtTimeInfo | |
tuttle::host::graph::ProcessVertexData | |
tuttle::host::graph::TestEdge | |
tuttle::host::graph::TestVertex | |
tuttle::host::graph::UEdge | Edge of the user graph |
tuttle::host::graph::UVertex | Vertex of the user graph |
tuttle::host::graph::vertex_label_writer< G > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::BeforeRenderCallbackVisitor< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::ComputeHashAtTime< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::CycleDetector | Detect if there is a cycle inside a directed graph or if we can garantee that it's a DAG, Directed Acyclic Graph |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::DeployTime< TGraph > | Create a new version of a graph with nodes deployed over time |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::IdentityNodeConnection< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::IdentityNodeConnection< TGraph >::InputClipConnection | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::IdentityNodeConnection< TGraph >::OutputClipConnection | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::MarkUsed< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::OptimizeGraph< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::PostProcess< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::PreProcess1< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::PreProcess2< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Process< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::RemoveIdentityNodes< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Setup1< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Setup2< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Setup3< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Test_bfs | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::Test_dfs< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::graph::visitor::TimeDomain< TGraph > | |
tuttle::host::Host | |
tuttle::host::ImageEffectNode | |
tuttle::host::INode | |
tuttle::host::InputBufferWrapper | |
tuttle::host::IProgressHandle | |
tuttle::host::memory::IMemoryCache | |
tuttle::host::memory::IMemoryPool | |
tuttle::host::memory::IPool | Forward declaration |
tuttle::host::memory::IPoolData | |
tuttle::host::memory::IUnknown | |
tuttle::host::memory::Key | |
tuttle::host::memory::KeyHash | |
tuttle::host::memory::LinkData | A link to an external buffer which can't be managed by the MemoryPool |
tuttle::host::memory::MemoryCache | |
tuttle::host::memory::MemoryPool | |
tuttle::host::memory::PoolData | |
tuttle::host::NodeAtTimeKey | |
tuttle::host::NodeHashContainer | |
tuttle::host::NodeInit | Node initializer class |
tuttle::host::NodeListArg | An utility class to use as function argument. It allows to create a list of nodes from multiple inputs |
tuttle::host::ofx::APICache::OfxhPluginAPICacheI | This acts as an interface for the Plugin Cache, handling api-specific cacheing |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttribute | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttributeAccessor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhAttributeDescriptor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClip | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipAccessor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipDescriptor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImage | Clip image instance |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImageAccessor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImageDescriptor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhClipImageSet | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhKeyframeParam | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhMultiDimParam< T, DIM > | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParam | Plugin parameter instance |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamAccessor | Base class for all params |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamBoolean | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamChoice | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamCustom | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamDescriptor | Descriptor of a plugin parameter |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamDouble | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamGroup | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamInteger | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamPage | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamPushButton | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamSet | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamSetAccessor | Base class to the param set instance and param set descriptor |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamSetDescriptor | Set of parameters |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::OfxhParamString | |
tuttle::host::ofx::attribute::TypeMap | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImage | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectHost | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectNode | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectNodeBase | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectNodeDescriptor | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin | |
tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPluginCache | Implementation of the specific Image Effect handler API cache |
tuttle::host::ofx::interact::OfxhInteract | |
tuttle::host::ofx::interact::OfxhInteractBase | |
tuttle::host::ofx::interact::OfxhInteractDescriptor | Descriptor for an interact. Interacts all share a single description |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhBinary | Class representing a DLL/Shared Object/etc |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhException | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhHost | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhIMessage | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhIObject | All openfx objects that can be send to the plugin need to inherit this class. So all these objects can be seen as OfxhIObject (reinterpret_cast) and then properly dynamic_cast to the desired class |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhIProgress | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhITimeline | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhMajorPlugin | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhMemory | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPlugin | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPluginBinary | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPluginCache | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPluginDesc | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPluginIdent | |
tuttle::host::ofx::OfxhPluginLoadGuard | |
tuttle::host::ofx::PluginCacheSupportedApi | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhDoubleValue | Type holder, for doubles, used to template up double properties |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhGetHook | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhIntValue | Type holder, for integers, used to template up int properties |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhNotifyHook | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhPointerValue | Type holder, for pointers, used to template up pointer properties |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty | Base class for all properties |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhPropertyTemplate< T > | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhPropSpec | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhSet | |
tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhStringValue | Type holder, for strings, used to template up string properties |
tuttle::host::OutputBufferWrapper | |
tuttle::host::OverlayInteract | |
tuttle::host::Preferences | |
tuttle::host::PreloadPlugins | |
tuttle::host::ThreadEnv | |
tuttle::host::ThumbnailDiskCache | An helper to cache image thumbnails on your HDD |
tuttle::host::TimeRange | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColorSpaceMaps | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::A | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::B | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::C | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::D50 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::D55 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::D58 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::D65 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::D75 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::DCIP3 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::F11 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::F2 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::F7 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::ColourTemp::Temp9300 | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::alexaLogC | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::cineon | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::gamma | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::linear | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::panalog | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::redLog | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::redSpace | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::sRGB | |
tuttle::plugin::color::GradationLaw::viperLog | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::HSL | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::HSV | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::Lab | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::Luv | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::RGB | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::XYZ | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::YPbPr | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::YUV | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Layout::Yxy | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Premultiplication::Off | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Premultiplication::On | |
tuttle::plugin::color::Primaries::TODO | |
tuttle::plugin::CoordinateSystemAxisXY< coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::CoordinateSystemAxisXY< eCoordinateSystemXX > | |
tuttle::plugin::CoordinateSystemAxisXY< eCoordinateSystemXXc > | |
tuttle::plugin::CoordinateSystemAxisXY< eCoordinateSystemXXcn > | |
tuttle::plugin::CoordinateSystemAxisXY< eCoordinateSystemXXn > | |
tuttle::plugin::GeneratorPlugin | |
tuttle::plugin::ImageEffectGilPlugin | |
tuttle::plugin::ImageFilterProcessor | Base class that can be used to process images of any type using boost::gil library view to access images |
tuttle::plugin::ImageGilFilterProcessor< SView, DView > | Base class that can be used to process images of any type using boost::gil library view to access images |
tuttle::plugin::ImageGilProcessor< View > | Base class that can be used to process images of any type using boost::gil library view to access images |
tuttle::plugin::ImageProcessor | Base class that can be used to process images of any type |
tuttle::plugin::interact::AlwaysActiveFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::AndActiveFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::Color | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ColorRGBAParam | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ColorRGBParam | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::CoordinateSystemNotCentered< coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::CoordinateSystemNotCentered< eCoordinateSystemXXcn > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::CoordinateSystemNotCentered< eCoordinateSystemXYc > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::FrameClip | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::FrameOptionalClip | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IColor | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IFrame | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::InteractInfos | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::InteractObject | A base class for all object to use in interact or overlay. All sub classes needs to implement virtual functions from OFX::InteractI |
tuttle::plugin::interact::InteractScene | To create a group of overlay/interact objects. Inherit from InteractObject, because a group of overlay/interact objects is itself an overlay/interact object |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IsActiveBooleanParamFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IsActiveChoiceParamFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IsActiveFunctor | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IsEnableParamFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::IsNotSecretParamFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::MotionType | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::OrActiveFunctor< negate > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ParamPoint< TFrame, coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ParamPointRelativePoint< TFrame, coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ParamRectangleFromCenterSize< TFrame, coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ParamRectangleFromTwoCorners< TFrame, coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::ParamTangent< TFrame, coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::PointInteract | |
tuttle::plugin::interact::SelectionManipulator | |
tuttle::plugin::IProgress | |
tuttle::plugin::NoProgress | |
tuttle::plugin::NotCenteredCoodinate< coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotCenteredCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXXc > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotCenteredCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXXcn > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotCenteredCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXYc > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotCenteredCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXYcn > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotNormalizedCoodinate< coord > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotNormalizedCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXXc > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotNormalizedCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXXn > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotNormalizedCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXYcn > | |
tuttle::plugin::NotNormalizedCoodinate< eCoordinateSystemXYn > | |
tuttle::plugin::OfxAllocator< T > | |
tuttle::plugin::OfxAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
tuttle::plugin::OfxProgress | |
tuttle::plugin::ReaderPlugin | |
tuttle::plugin::SamplerPlugin | |
tuttle::plugin::SamplerProcessParams | |
tuttle::plugin::WriterPlugin | |
tuttle::test::DummyEdge | |
tuttle::test::DummyVertex | |